Course details

[All-you-can-drink with draft beer] 120 minutes (alcohol & soft drinks)

[All-you-can-drink with draft beer] 120 minutes (alcohol & soft drinks)

1639 yen(Tax included)

  • 2persons-
All-you-can-drink available

[All-you-can-drink with draft beer] 120 minutes (alcohol & soft drinks)

All-you-can-drink with draft beer! As part of a course! Or as a single item! (We also offer an all-you-can-drink option with just soft drinks for 869 yen (tax included))

All-you-can-drink menu

·draft beer
·Asahi Superdry
・Highball/Strong Highball/Golden Highball (mixed with ginger)/Black Highball (mixed with cola)/Red Highball (wine highball)
·Lemon sour
・Lemon Sour/Strong Lemon Sour
・Chuhai/Otokoume sour/Kyoho sour/Kyoho Calpis sour/Strawberry sour/Melon sour/Umeboshi sour/Peach sour/Calpis sour/Yuzu honey sour/Oolong highball/Green tea highball
・Cassis Soda/Cassis Orange/Cassis Oolong/Cassis Apple/Fuzzy Navel/Reggae Punch/Peach Apple/Kahlua Milk
·Plum wine
・Rich plum wine/Yuzu plum wine
・Class A Shochu
・Shochu/Shochu (with lemon)/Shochu (with umeboshi)
・[Yamanashi] Kai Tanrei Karakuchi (cold sake/hot sake) small/large bottle
· Makgeoli
·Red wine
・Glass/decanter/cracked (wine on the rocks)
·Soft drink
・Cola/Ginger ale/Orange juice/Apple juice/Calpis water/Calpis soda/Melon soda/Strawberry soda/Mitsuya Cider/Fanta grape/Melon milk/Strawberry milk/Oolong tea/Cold green tea
Reservation reception time
Available days for reservation
Monday to Sunday, holidays, days before holidays
Length of stay
2 hours
Reservation deadline
Monday: Until 21:00 on the day of your visit
Tuesday: Until 21:00 on the day of your visit
Wednesday: Until 21:00 on the day of your visit
Thursday: Until 21:00 on the day of your visit
Friday: Until 21:00 on the day of your visit
Saturday: Until 17:00 on the day of visit
Sunday: Until 17:00 on the day of your visit
Holidays: Until 17:00 on the day of visit
Days before public holidays: Until 17:00 on the day of visit

2024/09/09 update